Pershore College

“A lovely house setting, such a calm and peaceful setting. Thank you for sharing your house with us. Thank you.
Appreciated the authentic Dutch farmhouse accomodetion. Loved all the mystery areas of the house and the surrounding view. Kitchen and dining a greet centre piece fot a large holiday group. Thank you, Angela Houghton, Garden design student. Beautiful garden and house. Thank you for being great hosts, (and giving us a lift back from the restaurant!) Had a great time seeing the greener side of Holland. Zena Lynen
Thank you for sharing your home with us all. What a beautiful setting, so peaceful and calm. Julie A beautiful house in a lovely setting. Nice and relaxed and peaceful. The walk into the village bij the dijk is good; especially if its sunny. Both of you are great hosts. Valere Butcher”
-Pershore College-
In de RozenhofNoorder Lingedijk 111
4247 EH Kedichem
06-11739473 / 0345-515755
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